Insights from providers
Insights from Service Providers Across the Region
Service providers in the community shared their perpectives on opportunities for strengthening programs and services and removing barriers faced by individuals and families. Providers were engaged through small group conversations held in each community, as well as one-on-one interviews. The reports available below summarize what providers said about the needs, access barriers and strategies for improving programs and services.
What’s covered in the Insights from Provider Reports
Learn what providers across the 12 communities said in 2019 about:
Strengths of the system
Barriers Residents Face
Gaps in Services
Promising Developments
What We Heard from Providers
The system is set up to address crises.
[They] take two buses and get down there to find out they’re missing a social security card, wait hours, and miss a day of work.
We see a lot of seniors who are wanting to age in place…
Communication… that is a big barrier…its a function of the unbelievable diversity.
The initiatives that bring the experts into the community are having great success.
I think a lot of what we’re talking about here is gaps in agency capacity and funding.
They trust us and who we are…
…there are a lot of barriers with existing eligibility requirements.
I consider [this neighborhood] a bubble where everything is done there.
For the first time…a lot of families aren’t looking to move…but it’s making them stay in apartments they probably shouldn’t [with safety hazards].
What we’re seeing is people with high school diplomas who can’t take tests over sixth grade.
Door to door is sometimes the way…
Over 200 human service providers and leaders use Numbers in Need to find information, build partnerships, pursue funding and advocate for their community.
“This data has been instrumental in finding what our community looks like and what obstacles we need to tackle to move ahead.”
“I have repeatedly and often share this data with colleagues and community members.”